Protective Mate Read online

Page 5

  Zack had been nervous about meeting Simon's parents. He definitely wasn't expecting it to happen in the middle of a restaurant on their very first date. Maryanne had loved Hayley and that was a good sign. She needed grandparents to spoil her. The thought that his parents never got the opportunity hurt his heart. It hurt even more knowing her other biological grandparents were cruel, bigoted assholes.

  Zack shook his head trying to get his thoughts back to where they needed to be. Looking over the table at his mate, he noticed Simon had stopped eating as well and was watching him. He seemed to be waiting for whatever Zack was going to say.

  Schooling his nerves, Zack bit the bullet. "As much as I would love to fulfil that idea, I need to know how you feel about Hayley first. You have to understand, this is a package deal. I'm all she has left and I won't give her up for anything. Not even my mate."

  Zack was watching Simon closely and didn't miss the hurt that quickly flashed across his face before being replaced with something Zack hoped was understanding. "I would never ask you to give up Hayley. She is a part of you and will always be. As soon as I met you, I knew this was a package deal. I admit I'd never really thought about kids before, but I'm not against them and Hayley is a beautiful little girl."

  Simon reached across the table and once again took his hand that had started to shake. Giving the hand a gentle squeeze he continued. "I've never really been around kids much, apart from my brothers so you're going to have to help me. I want us to be a family. I want my mate and, I hope one day, Hayley can be our daughter along with any other children that may come along."

  Zack didn't know what to say. Actually he didn't know if he could say anything to that. The lump that had taken up residence in his throat felt like it was the size of a tennis ball. Instead he sat there and nodded his head as tears streaked down his face.

  He watched as Simon stood up and walked around the side of the table until he crouched down bedside Zack's chair. The feel of Simon's hand gently cupping his cheek and wiping away his tears was so wonderful to his touch-starved body. The soft whisper of his mate's voice had shivers running down his spine. "We'll work it out as we go, honey. You're mine and I'm not letting either of you go." A soft kiss was placed on his lips before Simon stood and resumed his seat at the table.

  "Daddy, are you okay? Why are you crying?" Hayley's voice broke through the fog that was trying to take hold. Turning to face his daughter, Zack couldn't help but let out a bark of laughter at the sight before him.

  Hayley had managed to get sauce everywhere. And when he said everywhere, he meant it. The sauce was in her hair, on her dress, up her arms, on her forehead, and all over the table. The only place it seemed she didn't get the sauce was the napkin he had tucked in the front of her dress.

  Zack could hear Simon chuckling across from him. "I'm fine, Pumpkin. Look at you though, you're a mess." Hayley just beamed up at him, like it was everyday she went around wearing tomato sauce. "It's all Simon's fault, isn't it, sweetie?" Zack laughed as he started to wipe his daughter down.

  "Me? What did I do?" Zack could hear the mock horror in Simon's voice as he tried to defend himself against the allegations.

  "Yeah, it's all Simon's fault." Zack laughed and Hayley giggled along with him as they condemned their dinner companion.

  "Fine, okay. I admit it was me. I was trying to make a tomato sauce monster. How do you think I did?"

  "I think you succeeded." Zack admitted as he wiped the sauce from Hayley's hair. Once Hayley was semi-respectable again, he helped her finish her dinner as he and Simon finished theirs. They ordered Hayley some ice cream while they sat and sipped on coffee. Zack couldn't help but smile across the table at Simon. He didn't think he'd been this happy since the day his daughter was born, and even then that happiness wasn't complete as he could tell the toll everything had taken on Sarah's body.

  "What are you thinking about?" Simon's question dragged his mind back to the here and now.


  "You looked really happy for a moment and then your expression fell like you were remembering something sad." Zack wasn't aware he showed his thoughts so clearly, but it wasn't anything he wanted to keep secret so he told Simon what he had been thinking about.

  "Happy looks good on you." Zack could feel his lips turning up at the corners with that pronouncement.


  "Yeah. I think I'm going to make it my mission in life that you're always to be happy and smiling." Simon lowered his voice a little "You look sexy as hell when you smile."

  Zack couldn't help the blush that rose up his cheeks or the wide smile from forming on his face. The fact this beautiful, intelligent and sexy-as-sin man in front of him wanted to make him happy for the rest of his life caused his body to heat and his heart to melt.

  "Come home with me tonight. Please?"

  "Simon." Zack sighed. God, he wished he could. He wanted nothing more in that moment than to go back to Simon's and get naked and sweaty with his mate. Just thinking about it had his cock hardening against his pants. "I wish I could but I have Hayley."

  "I know, Zack." Simon reached over and caressed his cheek. Zack couldn't help but turn into the touch. "I understand anything we do from here on out will include Hayley and I'm fine with that. I was suggesting we go back to the hotel and get what you will need for the night. There is a guest room right next door to mine at home."

  Zack had to admit he really wanted to agree. Spending the night with his mate would be wonderful but having a two year old in the house could be a little distracting. For everyone. "What about everyone else, Simon? It's not like you live alone and having a two year old in the house can be exhausting."

  "The guys will be fine with it. Marcus and Brian want kids anyway and, I think, Alex and Jason are going to want them soon as well. As for Rick, he's been going out a lot recently so he shouldn't have a problem with it either."

  Zack bit his bottom lip. He was so tempted just to say yes but he needed to make sure Hayley would be happy with the situation. Looking at his daughter, he didn't care how difficult it made his life by having a two year old, he wouldn't change her for the world. "Hey, Pumpkin?"

  "Yes, Daddy?" Hayley looked at him. She had finished her dessert and started back in on her colouring, sticky fingers and all.

  "Would you like to sleep over at Simon's house tonight? You'll get to sleep in a big bed, but Daddy won't be in the same room. Just like it was before we moved here, I will be in the room next to yours."

  Hayley looked like she really thought about what he had said. He wasn't sure how much of what he told her she really understood, considering her age but she looked cute anyway.

  "Will I still get to sleep with Woofie?"

  "Of course, we'll go and get your princess jammies and some clothes for tomorrow."

  The grin that broke across his daughter's face at the mention of her favourite pyjamas was priceless. So was the excited bobbing of the head and the loud "Yay!"

  "I take it that means yes?" Simon said, chuckling.

  "It does indeed." Zack replied, turning to look at his mate. He knew all the heat and desire he felt for Simon was visible in his eyes. He couldn't wait to get his hands on his mate's naked body.

  Zack watched as Simon discreetly reached below the table and adjusted himself. "I think it's time to pay the bill and get going, don't you?" Simon asked as he stood up and walked around the table to help Hayley pack up her colouring.

  Yeah, it was definitely time to go. The sooner they left, the sooner they could get to the good stuff. Zack just hoped Hayley would sleep through the night.

  Chapter 5

  Simon couldn't believe how hard his cock was as they pulled up outside his house. Images of what his mate would look like naked and writhing under him had plagued him the whole way from the restaurant. His wolf was riding him to lay claim to his mate and Simon was just as impatient, but knew they needed to get Hayley settled for the night before either he or his wolf would get what they wante

  Getting out of the car, Simon grabbed Zack's overnight bag while Zack released Hayley and pulled her out of the car. "Let's get this tomato sauce monster washed and in bed, huh?" Hayley giggled at him as he tickled her side lightly.

  "Sounds like a plan," Simon agreed with him.

  Simon held Zack's hand as they headed inside. It wasn't late and the others, less Rick, were all in the living room watching the Friday night football game. Simon wasn't sure what was wrong with his youngest brother but he was starting to worry a little. Recently, Rick had been going out nearly every night and not coming in till after everyone else was fast asleep.

  He was spending his nights going from one bar to another and Simon was getting worried. Werewolves couldn't get drunk, their bodies metabolised the alcohol too quickly. So what was Rick doing if he wasn't drinking himself into a stupor? It was something he should talk to Alex about. Maybe in the morning; he had other things to concentrate on tonight instead of what was going on with his brother.

  Alex looked up at them as they walked into the room. "Evening." Alex caught sight of the bag Simon was holding and his expression changed to one of smug understanding. Instead of saying anything, he just raised his right eyebrow at Simon. Simon glanced at Zack and noticed his cheeks were once again pink. This caused Simon's cock to jerk in his pants. His mate looked sexy as hell when he was trying to hide his embarrassment.

  Turning back to his brother, he smiled. "Zack and Hayley are spending the night." With that pronouncement, he grabbed Zack's hand, turned and left the room. He could hear the chuckles follow him as he led Zack down the passageway. Once they reached Simon's room, he turned to talk to Hayley.

  "This is my room, Princess. Your daddy will be in here if you need him at any time, okay?" Hayley nodded and snuggled further into Zack's arms. "Would you like to see where you will be sleeping?" Once again the little girl nodded in her daddy's arms.

  "See this door right here? This is your room." Simon opened the door next to his and walked inside. The room, being in a house of so many males was extremely masculine. The bed was thick chunky wood with a dark blue quilt and pillows. The chest of draws and bedside table were made to match the bed and gave the room the overall feel of belonging to a man. They would have a lot of changes to make if he could convince Zack and Hayley to move in with him. He knew he wanted his mate with him always but wasn't sure how Zack would feel about living with his brothers.

  Simon was aware their living arrangement wasn't the most conventional of set ups but it worked for his family. The brothers had all been close growing up with only a few years between each one, and Simon wasn't sure he wanted to live apart from them yet. His wolf liked living in a large group and living under the same roof as his alpha gave Simon the added sense of security. He would have to talk to Zack about moving in with them and see if he could persuade his mate.

  "Wow, look at the bed, you're going to get lost in there tonight." Hayley giggled at her father before he let her down. They watched as she ran across the room then attempted to climb up on the bed. She was just a little too short to be able to heave herself up entirely. Simon went to help and once Hayley was up she climbed right to the middle and settled down with a soft sigh.

  "Oh no, you don't, missy. It's shower time. You need to get washed and dressed and brush your teeth. Come on." Hayley reluctantly crawled to the edge of the bed where Zack took her and helped her down. "We'll just be a minute." Zack said to him as he picked up their overnight bag and headed into the attached bathroom.

  Simon sat on the edge of the bed to wait. He looked down at the erection currently tenting his pants. "Soon," he muttered. The damn thing wouldn't go away. Simon was lost in thought ten minutes later when Zack emerged from the bathroom with a sleepy looking Hayley in his arms.

  "Let's go say goodnight to everyone then we'll tuck you in." Hayley nodded and was let down. She held Zack's hand and in the other she clutched her wolf teddy tightly to her chest. Simon followed them out, He leant against the wall leading into the living room and watched as Hayley said goodnight to his family.

  She walked right up to Alex and held her arms out asking for a hug. Alex seemed to be startled by the gesture and didn't know exactly what to do. He looked at Zack and silently asked what she wanted. "She would like to give you a hug goodnight." Zack said softly. Alex, finally understanding, sat forward and picked Hayley up, giving her a gentle hug before putting her back down. The expression on his big Alpha brother's face when he let go of Hayley was so tender and caring; he had never seen his brother look at anyone but his mate like that.

  Hayley walked around and gave everyone else a good night hug. Brian seemed to hold her extra long and when he let go, he turned to Marcus and said so quietly Simon could barely hear him, "I want one of these."

  "I know, we'll get there," Marcus replied just as quietly.

  When Hayley was finished, Simon pushed off the wall. "Goodnight, everyone." He said as he turned and led the way back to Hayley's room. Once she was tucked in tight and a nightlight plugged in for her, Simon leant across the bed and kissed her on the cheek. "Goodnight, Princess."

  "Night night, Simon. Night night, Daddy." Simon watched as Zack leant and gave his daughter a big hug and a kiss goodnight.

  "If you need us in the night, we're right next door. Okay, Pumpkin?" Hayley nodded but didn't reply as her eyelids were already closing.

  Simon took Zack by the hand and they quietly left the room, shutting the door behind them. Once they were in the passageway, Simon couldn't hold back any longer and pushed Zack against the wall. Threading his hands in Zack's hair, he closed the distance between them and brought his lips down against Zack's, devouring his mate's mouth.

  The needy little whimpers that escaped from Zack only served to enflame Simon's body. Reaching down he grabbed Zack's hips and pulled him forward so their hard cocks were mashed against each other as he continued to plunder Zack's mouth with his tongue.

  Simon could feel Zack's hands pulling on his shirt until he was successful in getting the material released from his pants. The feel of his mate's soft hands against his hard abdomen caused his cock to jerk and leak out a small amount of pre-cum.

  The sound of a throat clearing invaded the fog that had filled his brain at the slightest touch from his mate. Reluctantly pulling away from their kiss, Simon looked down at Zack and groaned. His lips were red and kiss swollen with a light sheen of spit coating them. He was panting heavily and his hair was a mess from where Simon had grabbed him. The throat clearing again made Simon turn his head.

  Marcus stood not too far from them with a knowing look on his face. "As hot as that was, and it was hotter than hell," Marcus seemed to pause for a second, "get a room!" He then turned and continued on his way.

  Simon groaned and rested his forehead against Zack's. "Sorry, babe, but I just couldn't hold off any longer."

  "I understand, Simon. How about we take your smart brother's advice?"

  "God, don't say that within hearing distance of Marcus. He'll get a big head."

  Zack's small giggle was cut off when Simon leant down and kissed him again. "Come on, time to get you naked."

  "I couldn't agree more."

  Simon stepped back then practically dragged Zack through his bedroom door before closing it behind them. "Naked, now," was all Simon could seem to get himself to say. His brain was misfiring with his mate being this close to him and knowing what they were about to do.

  Simon watched as Zack hurried to try and rid himself of his clothing. His mouth was watering as Zack's chest was bared, the small pink nipples hard and wanting. Zack's stomach was nice and flat, he wasn't muscular but Simon didn't care. He had always preferred smaller men to muscular ones. His eyes zeroed in when Zack slid down the zip on his pants, but didn't drop them

  Simon trailed his gaze back up Zack's body and finally reached his eyes. "You know this won't work if only one of us is naked?" Zack stated, eyeing Simon's still fully clothed body. Simon laughed
then started tugging at his own clothes. Unzipping his pants, he watched as Zack studied his body. He hoped his mate liked what he saw. He wasn't as muscled as either of his other brothers but he did work out and had a nice firm six pack he took pride in.

  He let his pants drop and watched as realisation hit Zack; he had gone sans underwear. The needy little whimper that came from Zack caused his cock to bob. He loved the noises his mate made. Zack quickly dropped his own pants and pushed his underwear down. Kicking off his shoes and getting rid of his socks, Zack stood in front of Simon gloriously naked.

  Simon's eyes roamed his mate's naked body before coming to a stop at his groin. The hard cock that stood out from Zack's body was probably a good six inches in length and nice and fat. His cock was surrounded by a thatch of neatly trimmed bright red curls. Simon couldn't wait to taste his mate, to feel that thick cock sliding in and out of his mouth.

  Growling, Simon reached out and pulled Zack against his body. Simon couldn't have held back the moan that escaped his lips at the first touch of their naked bodies against each other if his life had depended on it. Threading his fingers though Zack's soft silky hair, he pulled his head back until it was tilted to just the right angle where Simon could take possession of those lips again.

  Refusing to break the contact their lips had made, Simon slowly started to walk Zack backwards towards the bed. When Zack stopped, he gently pushed and Zack fell on his back onto the bed. Simon followed him down, continuing to rain kisses down on Zack's body as he went.

  Working his way down Zack's neck towards his chest, Simon could hear the moans escaping from the redhead. Reaching a small pink nipple, Simon stuck his tongue out and flicked it across the hard nub before taking the small morsel into his mouth and sucking. Biting down gently on the hard nipple, Simon was amazed at Zack's reaction. The loud gasp followed by his back arching off the bed and Zack's hands threading through his hair, pulling his head down against his chest had Simon's cock leaking copious amounts of pre-cum.